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Thursday, February 5, 2009

are you kidding me?

Are You Kidding Me?
By Jeff Katz (bio)

I had just finished writing about the various Obamalytes with tax “issues” when the chosen one’s chosen one for labor secretary is removed from the Senate docket because of…tax issues. Are you kidding me? I wonder if Kimba Wood and Bernie Kerik are still looking for work. Oh and while we are at it, please read the messianic missive in today’s Washington Post, where his potusness opines that unless people go along with his 900 billion dollar pork-a-palooza we are all doomed. Doomed he says! Doomed!! I wonder if his plan includes any special incentives for H&R Block to provide discount services to Obama cabineteers? Of course we know that this is serious since Madame Speaker (D-Botox) reminded us that 500 million Americans lose their jobs each and every month. Anyone want to remind her…ah never mind, there will be more from America’s not ready for prime time players soon enough.